Schi, Snowboard
Braşov is one of the most developed counties in Romania in terms of winter sports.
There are over 20 ski slopes in Bran, Poiana Brasov and Predeal, which are usable, according to the weather conditions, during December - March.
For snowboarders, Poiana Braşov and Predeal are ideal places. These ski resorts have slopes for beginners, as well as spectacular areas for advanced snowboarders, with backcountry ski runs sought by the thrill-seekers, adrenaline to the max.
The skier decalogue
1. Respect the others: every skier must behave in such a way that it does not endanger the others.
2. Speed and behavior control: every skier must adjust the sliding speed and behavior to suit its own physical and technical capability.
3. Direction control: the hillside skier, whose position is dominant, must choose and folow a direction which will ensure the safety of the downhill skier in case of a fall.
4. Overtaking: The skier can freely pass another one upwards, downwards, left or right, as long as the skier who makes the pass takes into consideration the other one’s evolution and maintains a sufficient safety margin.
5. Passing and crossing: The skier who crosses a slope or a school area has to keep visual control uphill and downhill, taking precautions to prevent an accident for himself and others.
6. Stationing: The skier must avoid stopping, and do it only in cases of absolute necessity in areas with little or no visibility. In case of a fall, he must quickly free the slope.
7. Climbing: on skis or on foot, must be done on the side of the slope.
8. Compliance with signaling: Everyone must adhere to the international symbol signs installed on the slope, regardless of their level of training, age, etc.
9. Respect the slope type: skidding fast on a slope reserved for beginners is a mistake, as well as a beginner adventuring on a difficult slope.
10. In case of an accident: any skier or person on the slope should help in the event of an accident.