Located between the Bucegi National Park and Piatra Craiului National Park, Fundata is the highest village in Romania (1,360 m).
We're high!
... not only in altitude. The tourists will find breathtaking mountain landscapes and breathe the cleanest air in the country (as shown by the air measurement station located in the area). They will meet welcoming people, unchanged customs and traditions, genuine authentic architecture, they will enjoy good and healthy food, or they will relax practicing winter sports, hiking, cycling…
Administrative organization: The Fundata commune consists of the villages Fundata, Şirnea and Fundăţica
Population: 1,017 inhabitants
Documentary evidence: 1729 - Şirnea; 1732 - Fundata
Travelt tradition: 1968 Şirnea - the first travel village in Romania
Credit text and photo: http://www.fundata-sirnea.ro/ro/destinatia-fundata/comuna-fundata