„Sfântul Nicolae” Church - Făgăraș
Church / Tourist attraction - Făgăraș
St. Nicholas Church, founded by the ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu, is the oldest place of worship in Fagaras. More than three centuries separated us from the beginnings of this Brâncovian jewel, built in 1697-1698.
Above the entrance door to the narthex there is a inscription, with words dug in stone and the coat of arms of Wallachia, which tells us that the one who founded this church dedicated to St. Nicholas is Prince Constantin Brâncoveanu and the church was built in 1698, the tenth reighn year of the prince.
The architect is not known, but it is very likely that he was one of the artists trained in the so complex atmosphere of the Hurezi School.
The church as a whole marks the presence of the brâncoveane Renaissance style. The facades reveal two girdles characteristic to this style, as well as cornice under the eaves, made in apparent brick. The open porch is surrounded by ten octagonal columns. And the bell has an octagonal shape and is situated above the nave. There are three domes, of brick and hemispherical form. Characteristic of the Brâncoven style are the seven windows with sculpted stone frames as well as the door frame, preserved in its original shape.
And the iconostasis of the church "St. Nicholas "is the original one, carved with a special craftsmanship in oak wood, in the same brâncovenesc style, glazed with gold leaf. His painting was made, as evidenced by the inscriptions, by the painter Preda of Câmpulung.
The decoration of the altar and nave was executed in the fresco technique, closely following the Byzantine iconography and style, by the two sons of Preda, Preda and Theodosius. The painting of the narthex was made later and is the work of an unknown painter of much lower value.
Text and photo sources: https://bisericabrancoveanu.wordpress.com/; https://www.facebook.com/BisericaBrancoveneascaFagaras/