St. Nicholas Church - Brasov
Church / Tourist attraction - Brașov
St. Nicholas Church, documented in 1292 and mentioned in the Papal Bula from 1399, was built of stone from 1495 onwards with the contribution of the voivodes from ever the mountains (Vlad Calugar, Neagoe Basarab, Mihai Viteazul, Petru Cercel, Aron Vodă, Gheorghe Ştefan).
The church's design includes Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque elements, being in fact a synthesis of these styles under Byzantine cast. Here, the tomb of Nicolae Titulescu (1882-1941), former Foreign Minister of Romania, is to be found.
Photo source: https://www.crestinortodox.ro/biserici-manastiri/biserica-sfantul-nicolae-scheii-brasovului-67902.html